Everything you Need to Know before Start Trading
What is Market Price and Market Orders?
What is Ask/Bid Price?
What are Limit Orders?
What are Candlesticks?
What is a Line chart?
What is an OHLC chart?
MetaTrader 4 Tips and Tricks Part II - Master MT4 like...
This is part two of the MetaTrader 4 guide and it will be dedicated mainly to chart setups
Shortcuts wrapup
On the previous document, we reviewed...
MetaTrader 4 Basics, Shortcuts, and Tricks Part I
Downloading, installing, basic concepts, and optimizing tips
Hello, traders, this is a small guide to help you get acquainted with MetaTrader 4. We will show,...
How To Keep Earning Crypto – Even In A Bear Market
The market has been showing signs of slowing down for quite some time now. The price of Bitcoin or even Altcoins have been both...
Here Are All Of The Penny Cryptocurrencies That You Need To...
You really won’t surprise anyone by investing in ETH or even Bitcoin. They are really some of the most popular coins out there and...
Forex: What’s A Pending Order?
When you trade Forex, you will often play a market order. You will click a button and this will help you to get involved....
How To Manage Greed And Fear In Trading
Fear and greed are actually two of the main driving forces in our lives at the moment. They carry over to our investments and...