Ditto's proprietary technology enables you to follow the trades of Professional Traders, Trading Services, Money Managers, Newsletters or a friend or family member who fits your style and goals. Trade the same stock options at the same time and same price automatically.
Not only do you have complete transparency but you also have the ability to take control of a trade at any time and sell the position immediately or hold it till a later date. If you prefer, you can choose to get trade alerts instead and then decide if you want to accept the trade, modify it or ignore it.
No other platform offers the ability to leverage others expertise while retaining complete control of your portfolio.

When someone you're attached to, like a Lead Trader, initiates a trade, Ditto's technology instantly checks for Followers that are on Ditto All. It then calculates the number of shares for each Follower.
The system next confirms that each Follower has sufficient buying power and if needed, adjusts the number of shares.
The total number of shares is then sent as one order to the exchange which sends the purchased shares back to Ditto Trade to be allocated to each account.
At this point, Followers can let the Lead Trader continue to control the trade or take control themselves and sell immediately or hold the position to sell at a later time. This opens up trading to everyone.