DittoSync lets you instantly match another
portfolio on a percent by percent basis.
Now, for the first time, you can attach to an existing Lead Trader portfolio even though the trades have already been made. DittoSync allows you to instantly connect with all the same stocks and options currently in a Lead Trader's portfolio.

To view a portfolio to sync, click the Sync Portfolio button
DittoSync is a great tool if you are connecting to a Lead Trader for the first time because it gives you the opportunity to participate in positions that occurred before you were connected to the Lead Trader. It can also be used if you did not take part in the trades of someone you were following because Ditto All was off and you would now like to take part in positions that you missed.

To Sync, just enter the amount you want to purchase and click "Sync Portfolio"
DittoSync allows you to purchase, on a percentage by percentage basis, all the postions currently held by the person or service you're following. You can manage the quantity of the postions through your settings. To avoid syncing specific positions, add the symbol to your "Do Not Ditto" list on the dashboard. If you perform your first portfolio sync within 30 days of connecting to a service, there is no commission cost for any of the trades. Option contract fees still apply.

The positions appear on your dashboard and you can now take part in all subsequent trades if you choose.
Your portfolio is instantly synced with that of the Lead Trader with your cost reflecting prices at the time of syncing. Once you're synced, your positions appear in your dashboard and you can then take part in all subsequent trades yet you always have the ability to take control of any position with the click of a button.